Requests for information

Requests for information

1) Does anyone have an electronic copy of following article that I could get hold of? Neville Langton, "Bast— The Cat Goddess," Antiquarian Quarterly, vol. I, no. 4, Dec. 1925, pp. 93-4.

2) TT39 - Jane Akshar posted an item a couple of weeks ago on her Luxor News Blog about talking to a member of the TT39 team who said that TT39 (Puimre) would shortly have its own website. Delays to website projects are fairly run of the mill, but it should be up any day now if the original estimates were correct. I've had a hunt around the Web but found nothing that looks as though it belongs to the Mexican mission. If you learn that the website has come to life please let me know and I'll post the address and let Jane know too, if she doesn't find the info first.

Many thanks

- Arquéologos Mexicanos Culminan Estudios En Tumba (tt39)
TeleSur Thanks to Amigos de la Egiptologia for the above link. See a link to Jane's blog, below, for photographs of TT39. The photos on the TeleSur site, above, are general photographs of Luxor monuments and tombs. Here's a rough summary. A team...

- Restoration: Seti I Temple
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) There is a very short post from Jane to say that she has been notified that the restoration team are returning to the temple of Seti I at Luxor. My very best wishes to lovely Jane who is having a serious operation in Cairo...

- Progress At Karnak
Luxor News Blog Jane Akshar has updated her blog with the news that work is ongoing at Karnak: I haven’t visited Karnak for a while and yesterday Mr Mansour Boraik was telling me about the fantastic discoveries they have been making there so I decided...

- Mummification Museum Lecture - Tt39 Puimra - Dr Gabirela Arrache to Jane Akshar for adding some more notes from the lecture series held at Luxor's Mummification Museum. Her latest notes are from Dr Gabirela Arrache's lecture on TT39, the tomb of Puimra. "Dr...

- Tomb Of Puimre (tt39 ) To Be Restored By Mexican Team,1,5856031.story?coll=la-headlines-world "For the first time, a Mexican archeological team has been selected by Egypt's top antiquities authorities to work in the famous Upper Nile...

