Discoveries in Theban Tomb 39

Discoveries in Theban Tomb 39
Thanks very much to the EEF News Digest for another great edition, and for the following news item, summarizing the discoveries of the Mexican team excavating TT39 in the 2006 season. The tomb, which has not been investigated since 1920, belonged to Pui-Em-Ra, a priest under the reign of Hatshepsut:
"Luego de tres semanas de trabajo, 11 especialistas mexicanos concluyeron la segunda temporada de exploración de la Tumba Tebana 39, en Egipto, en la que lograron clasificar 108 de las casi 500 piedras -con escritura o pintura- encontradas en el lugar.
En esta segunda exploración de la misión mexicana, también se hallaron restos de momia, conos funerarios, fragmentos de Ushabti (figurillas funerarias), y una variedad de fragmentos de cerámica."
In rough summary, after three weeks of work 11 Mexican specialists concluded their second season of work at TT39. They catalogued 108 of a total of nearly 500 pieces which were painted or written upon. They also found funerary cones, fragments of ushabtis and a variety of ceramic fragments.
See the rest of the article at the above page. The story is also covered, with a photograph of the tomb exterior at:
(the EEF news digest will appear online on Sunday at this address):

- Reconocen En Egipto Labor De Arqueólogos Mexicanos Los hallazgos registrados por los arqueólogos, restauradores y arquitectos mexicanos, durante la excavación y restauración de la Tumba Tebana 39 de Pui-Em Ra, segundo profeta del dios Amón, en Egipto, permitirá completar la historia de...

- Arquéologos Mexicanos Culminan Estudios En Tumba (tt39)
TeleSur Thanks to Amigos de la Egiptologia for the above link. See a link to Jane's blog, below, for photographs of TT39. The photos on the TeleSur site, above, are general photographs of Luxor monuments and tombs. Here's a rough summary. A team...

- Requests For Information
1) Does anyone have an electronic copy of following article that I could get hold of? Neville Langton, "Bast— The Cat Goddess," Antiquarian Quarterly, vol. I, no. 4, Dec. 1925, pp. 93-4. 2) TT39 - Jane Akshar posted an item a couple of weeks ago on...

- La Tercera Visita A Djehuty (Juan J Gomez) Thanks very much to "Tepsicore" for sending me the above link. The seventh season of work at the tomb of Djehuty in Luxor is taking place. Djehuty was a noble who had senior roles under the reign of Hatshepsut. The aim of the...

- Restoration Of Theban Tomb 39 Thanks to the EEF News Digest for the following story: "En un lugar tan esplendoroso como la tumba de Nefertari, espera la egiptóloga mexicana Gabriela Arrache Vértiz...

