Hungarian Archaeological Expedition in Nubia

Hungarian Archaeological Expedition in Nubia
"A team of Hungarian archaeologists, headed by Egyptologist Gabor Lassanyi, will conduct excavations in Sudanese Nubia - an area on the river Nile conquered by ancient Egyptians . . . . Work will be conducted close to the Merowe Hamadab dam, a huge hydroelectricity project which will turn a 174-kilometre stretch of the Nile into a reservoir, causing the local population to relocate. The dam will generate electricity with a capacity of 1,250 megawatts, tripling the country's electricity generation capacity. The Nile valley has more than 2,000 archaeological sites and Hungary has in the past participated in expeditions, like the 1964 mission to Egypt to rescue an ancient palace threatened by the Aswan High Dam's construction. Under a bilateral agreement the findings will be shared and the objects will be exhibited in Budapest's Museum of Fine Arts".

- The Merowe Dam On The Nile
Egittologia (Amelia Carolina Sparavigna) This article is written in rather broken English (though much, much better than my Italian!) but is well worth persevering with because it makes some very important points about the way in which dam-formed lakes...

- Hungarian Team To Excavate In Nile Delta"A team of ten Hungarian archeologists will soon begin excavations at two sites in northern Egypt's Nile river delta, the head of the expedition told MTI on Tuesday. Commissioned...

- More Re Sudan Rescue Archaeology
"Archaeology teams in Sudan are working against the clock to rescue an entire swathe of Nile Valley heritage from the rising waters of a Chinese-built dam. The Merowe dam is a controversial hydro-electric project - one of the largest in Africa - being...

- Important Rescue Archaeology In The Sudan"Sudan’s archaeology is finally stepping out of Egypt’s shadow as teams work against the clock to rescue an entire swathe of Nile Valley heritage from the rising waters of a Chinese-built dam. 'The...

- Flooding Nubia - Again (The Telegraph) An article highlighting the potential loss of irreplaceable archaeological riches in the Sudan: "In a highly controversial move, the Sudanese government is planning to flood a vast stretch of the southern Nile...

