Feature on Sarah Parcak

Feature on Sarah Parcak

An piece about Sarah Parcak's work using modern technologies to locate new sites, particuarly in the Delta: "Her discovery of 100 new sites in Egypt, some dating as far back as 3000 B.C., certainly is nothing to sniff at. But Parcak, a teacher of Egyptian art and history at the University of Wales-Swansea in Wales, has no intention of resting on her laurels anytime soon.Last month, she began a large-scale project using three-dimensional satellite imaging to locate unknown sites in the Egyptian Delta of the Nile River. . . . Her work in the Egyptian Delta over the next few months will consist of being part of a team of 14 people, including students from the university. She hopes to find cemeteries, villages and ancient cities at sites that range from 15 to 30 kilometers in size, she said."
See the full story on the above web page.

- Sarah Parcak Talking About Her Satellite Research
Exchange Magazine     Video. In this short talk, TED Fellow Sarah Parcak introduces the field of "space archeology" -- using satellite images to search for clues to the lost sites of past civilizations. Sarah Parcak uses satellite...

- Hiding In Plain View - Identifying Sites From Satellite Photos
POPSCI.com A slideshow demonstrating how Sarah Parcak goes about finding ancient Egyptian sites using satellite photographs. I should warn you that the site was down over the weekend, and when it first came back up I was only able to access the first...

- Satellites Reveal Ancient Sites
The Birmingham News In a computer lab on Birmingham's Southside, UAB anthropology professor Sarah Parcak scours satellite images for hidden Egyptian archaeological sites half a world away. With the help of the new technology, Parcak and collaborators...

- New Sites In Egypt Spotted From Space
http://www.livescience.com/history/070605_satellite_egypt2.html More on Sarah Parcak's work with satellite images of Egypt: "Satellites hovering above Egypt have zoomed in on a 1,600-year-old metropolis, archaeologists say. Images captured from space...

- Scientist Races To Save Ancient Egypt
http://www.newswise.com/articles/view/530280/"University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Egyptologist Sarah Parcak, Ph.D., is in a race against time. In Egypt, thousands of known and unknown archaeological sites are at risk of destruction from urban sprawl,...

