A Digital Eye of Horus for Archaeologists

A Digital Eye of Horus for Archaeologists

Talking Pyramids (Vincent Brown)

Following the latest report about Sarah Parcak's work iwth satellites Vincent has provided a good summary of many other wasy in which archaeologists have been using satellite technology.
As technology evolves at an increasingly rapid rate, the study of ancient sites is aided by some of it’s developments. One such tool that has leaped into the hands of Egyptlogists and Archaeologists in recent years is the satellite. A great boon to any study of a site is the ability to view an area from above.

In the previous story we heard Dr Zahi Hawass state that he begins any archaeological work on the Giza plateau by climbing to the top of the Great Pyramid to get an overview of the site. The bird’s eye view that is provided by aerial photography and satellite imaging has been instrumental in the discovery of new sites, sites that woud perhaps never have been discovered.

See the above page for the full story.

- Sarah Parcak Talking About Her Satellite Research
Exchange Magazine     Video. In this short talk, TED Fellow Sarah Parcak introduces the field of "space archeology" -- using satellite images to search for clues to the lost sites of past civilizations. Sarah Parcak uses satellite...

- The Boat Beneath The Pyramid
Talking Pyramids (Vincent Brown) Vincent has done a great feature today on Khufu's boat at Giza. He has displayed some excellent photographs and provided links to PDFs and photographs which describe the boat and its discovery, excavation and reconstruction....

- New Sites In Egypt Spotted From Space
http://www.livescience.com/history/070605_satellite_egypt2.html More on Sarah Parcak's work with satellite images of Egypt: "Satellites hovering above Egypt have zoomed in on a 1,600-year-old metropolis, archaeologists say. Images captured from space...

- Feature On Sarah Parcak
http://www.bangornews.com/news/templates/?a=131567An piece about Sarah Parcak's work using modern technologies to locate new sites, particuarly in the Delta: "Her discovery of 100 new sites in Egypt, some dating as far back as 3000 B.C., certainly...

- Satellite Technology Used To Find Sites
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,61-2037531,00.html Article about Sarah Parcak's work using satellite imagery in Egypt (published in full in the EES magazine Egyptian Archaeology): "Satellite technology has more than doubled the number of ancient...

