A lot of bang for a book

A lot of bang for a book

Egypt Today (Michael Kaput)

Got a trust fund you just can’t spend quickly enough? Then consider the latest venture by Dr. Zahi Hawass, head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities. If you thought asking LE 200 for the trademark fedora sported by Egypt’s self-styled ‘Indiana Jones’ was a bit much, hold on to your family heirlooms. Hawass’ new book, A Secret Voyage, sports a price tag of LE 22,000.

So what exactly does LE 22,000 bring to your library?

- Catching Up With Zahi Hawass
Globalpost (Deena Adel) For years the renowned Egyptian archeologist Zahi Hawass earned worldwide fame bringing the country’s treasures to a global audience, unearthing mummies on his very own reality show, launching a clothing line and eventually becoming...

- On Hawass And Repatriation
The Wall Street Journal Dr. Hawass is something of a global media icon, following a series of heavily hyped TV specials and a carefully cultivated public persona. His recent History Channel series, "Chasing Mummies," depicted him as a sort of burly denim-clad...

- Feature: The Best Zahi Hawass Videos To Watch Free Online
Heritage Key (Malcolm Jack) As well as being the second most famous brown fedora-sporting archaeologist of all time, Dr Zahi Hawass could also run Indiana Jones close in the screen-time stakes. The Director General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities...

- Cleopatra - "uniquely Hawass"
Global Post (Theodore May) Anyone who’s worked as a reporter in Egypt long enough knows what it’s like to deal with Zahi Hawass, the head of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities, which oversees the country’s ancient sites. Hawass may be the...

- Official On Mission To Promote, Protect Egypt's History
http://www.daytondailynews.com/life/content/life/daily/0829egypt.html Another article profiling Zahi Hawass, who is lecturing in Dayton on Wednesday and Thursday to two sell-out audiences: "One would not blame you, upon meeting Zahi Hawass, if you thought...

