Feature: The Best Zahi Hawass Videos to Watch Free Online

Feature: The Best Zahi Hawass Videos to Watch Free Online

Heritage Key (Malcolm Jack)

As well as being the second most famous brown fedora-sporting archaeologist of all time, Dr Zahi Hawass could also run Indiana Jones close in the screen-time stakes. The Director General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities is yet to star in his own movie (although we suspect he would like to), but on the web at least, his appearances are prolific, and always informative and entertaining.

Here we pick out ten of our favourite online video clips starring Dr Hawass. They range from tours of the Great Pyramid together with the leader of the free world, to revelations on the life and death of King Tut, and nostalgic tales of early archaeological digs way back in the days when denim shirts were actually fashionable. If you like these, you can find loads more films featuring Indy – ahem, sorry, Zahi – on the Heritage Key videos page.

See the above page for all the links.

- More Re Reinstatement Of Hawass
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