HK's Discovering King Tut part 5

HK's Discovering King Tut part 5

Heritage Key (Malcolm Jack)

With videos and an excellent photo of Lord and Lady Carnarvon on a visit to Egypt in 1921.

The fifth and final instalment of Discovering King Tut has now been posted on Heritage Key. It signed off the fantastic videos series – based around an exclusive interview with George and Fiona Herbert, Earl and Countess of Carnarvon, at their Highclere Castle home – with an illuminating look at some of the treasures from the boy king’s tomb that George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon and financier of the Tutankhamun tomb investigation, was able to view before his untimely death in 1923.

With all of Discovering King Tut – totalling almost half an hour of footage – now up online and ready to view, we figured it would be a good idea to put together a single round-up of the films in one handy blogpost. They’ve together yielded all kinds of fascinating, funny, strange, sad and sensational insights into the Tutankhamun tomb exploration. We’ve learned about all from the unique relationship Carnarvon and archaeologist Howard Carter shared, to the significance of the beautiful wall-paintings that covered the walls of KV62, the scandal in Carnarvon’s family that inadvertently helped keep cash for his dig flowing, and the tragic circumstances surrounding the aristocrat’s premature demise.

The exceptional educational content of these videos is plain to see, and they should prove a valuable learning tool for students of King Tut and the discovery and examination of his incredible tomb in the Valley of the Kings, not to mention the lives of the two remarkable men who brought its glittering contents to the world.

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