Feature: Sandro Vannini's photos of entrance to tomb of Tutankhamun

Feature: Sandro Vannini's photos of entrance to tomb of Tutankhamun

Heritage Key

When the entrance to the Tomb of King Tutankhamun (KV62) was discovered by the great explorer Howard Carter and his financier Lord Carnarvon, they could never have dreamed of the treasures which awaited them inside. These two men worked together to track down King Tut's burial place, as explained in a Heritage Key video with Lord Carnarvon's modern day ancestors the Earl and Countess of Carnarvon (Watch the Video).

Egyptology photographer Sandro Vannini has spent much of the past decade photographing the fascinating artefacts discovered inside KV62, as well as capturing the tomb itself on film. But an angle that isn't seen very often is that of the tomb's entrance - the path walked down numerous times by Carter and his team as they excavated arguably the greatest find in archaeology.

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