Feature: Tutankhamun's Tomb - House of Gold

Feature: Tutankhamun's Tomb - House of Gold

Heritage Key (Sean Williams)

With video.

"In most Egyptian tombs you've either got the wall paintings or the coffin." Fiona, 8th Countess of Carnarvon says, stressing the uniqueness of Tutankhamun's tomb, the greatest discovery in history. Its treasures may be well documented, less so the incredible wall paintings that greeted Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon when they burst through in 1922 (Watch a special video on the discovery here).

Lady Carnarvon, herself a two-time author on the Tutankhamun phenomenon with Carter & Carnarvon (click here to buy) and Egypt at Highclere: The Discovery of Tutankhamun (click here to buy), seems totally engrossed in the walls she and husband George Herbert, 8th Earl of Carnarvon have replicated in the bowels of Highclere Castle.

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