Feature: Carnarvon Never Got to See the Golden Death Mask

Feature: Carnarvon Never Got to See the Golden Death Mask

Heritage Key (Sean Williams)

When you think of King Tut, do you see a young boy, struggling with the enormity of his power; a slender adolescent in control of the world's greatest empire? Of course not, because you're like me: you see the magnificent death mask, the coffins, shrines, shabtis, daggers, beds, decrepit mummy (with or without penis) et al. We ancient world-lovers are just magpies with laptops really.

But do you ever wonder why, when Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon burst into the tomb in 1922, they could see so many 'wonderful things'? Why wasn't Tutankhamun's funerary procession made ancient swag, like those of nearly all of ancient Egypt's kings?

In fact even this isn't strictly true, as Lady Carnarvon points out to us from the cellar-cum-Egyptian exhibition at Highclere Castle: "Howard Carter estimated that around 60 per cent of the jewellery which (sic) would have been in the tomb...was possibly stolen by grave diggers of ancient times." Not a motto modern grave diggers will be thrilled about, but it does explain why the legs of the otherwise dazzling golden throne of King Tut are so bare.

- Why Some Treasures Should Be In The British Museum
Heritage Key (Sean Williams) Sean Williams argues that given the involvement of Lord Carnarvon, Howard Carter and other British team members some of Tutankhamun's tomb discoveries ought to have found their way into the British Museum on long term...

- Feature: Sandro Vannini's Photos Of Entrance To Tomb Of Tutankhamun
Heritage Key When the entrance to the Tomb of King Tutankhamun (KV62) was discovered by the great explorer Howard Carter and his financier Lord Carnarvon, they could never have dreamed of the treasures which awaited them inside. These two men worked together...

- Feature: Sandro Vannini's Ritual Figures Of Tutankhamun
Heritage Key With slideshow. Discovered inside the Tomb of King Tutankhamun, inside black resin-covered wooden shrines which were accessible via double doors, were 34 ritual figures. Of significant importance during the ritual ceremony, these statuettes...

- Tale Of Tutankhamun Treasures Recreated
Basingstoke Gazette (Chris Gregory) THE discovery of a famous Egyptian mummy is the focus of a dramatic new exhibition at Highclere Castle. The new display tells the story of how, in the 1920s, the fifth Earl of Carnarvon and archaeologist Howard Carter...

- Celebrating The Birthday Of Tutankhamun
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2005/772/he1.htm"As 2005 drew towards a close, the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square celebrated the 83rd anniversary of the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb with a gala party. This featured the opening of a landmark exhibition...

