A new dedicated social network purely for archaeologists, has been launched this month

A new dedicated social network purely for archaeologists, has been launched this month


I haven't joined this because I am really not into the whole online social networking thing, (I'm not even on Facebook) but I noticed a lot of familiar faces there when I had a look at the home page. If anyone is using the site perhaps they could leave a comment about how they find it.

A new dedicated social network purely for archaeologists, and those with a passion for anthropology, has been launched this month. Archaeology Network has gotten off to a positive start with over 250 archaeologists joining the site to discuss with likeminded people from across the globe.

Archaeology Social Network (www.archaeology-network.com) is designed for members to have their own personal space purely dedicated to archaeology, where they can discuss topics, news and events on the forums, write blogs about their experiences, upload pictures and videos from field trips, and meet people who share the same passions as they do.

“I am very pleased with the reception Archaeology Network has received so far” says Ross Hutchings, Online Editor of Archaeology Network. “Members are extremely active on the forums, discussing interesting and relevant topics, and have really begun to form an important online archaeological community.”

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