The Graduate Junction - updated

The Graduate Junction - updated

The Graduate Junction

I am really glad to report that The Graduate Junction, an initiative about which I posted some weeks ago, is continuing to evolve. So many of these good ideas die a death in the first couple of weeks, so it is terrific to see that this one is going from strength to strength - they now have 4000 registered researchers from over 40 countries. They've added more content and some very useful functionality. There are various ways of finding people who share your interests. Registration is free and quick. Here's the introduction from their home page:

The Graduate Junction is a brand new website designed to give young researchers an easy way of making contact with others who share their research interests no matter which department, institution or country they work in.

The Graduate Junction is the first network which brings together Masters, Doctoral and Postdoctoral researchers working in any field across the globe and provides them with a place to meet and communicate.

  • Create a personal research profile page
  • Establish a network of researchers who share your research interests
  • Join or create online research groups
  • Initiate discussions and exchange useful tips
  • Find up to date conference and career information
  • Share general research advice on our forum pages

The Graduate Junction has been created by two graduate researchers, who felt isolated within their own research projects and wanted to find others who shared their research interests. The Graduate Junction has been designed to be simple and provide only information and functionality that is relevant to young researchers. We feel too many websites have unnecessary functionality and are cluttered with advertisements. To find out more about us, why we created The Graduate Junction and our vision for this website click here.

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