Current Research in Egyptology VIII

Current Research in Egyptology VIII
The organising committee of Current Research in Egyptology (CRE) VIII have announced that CRE VIII will take place at the University of Wales in Swansea between Thursday 19th - Saturday 21st April 2007. Papers are invited from students involved in graduate research on ancient Egypt and Nubia ranging from the Predynastic to the Coptic Periods. Contributions are also invited from anyone who is involved in research associated with Egyptology, from any background or training. Further information regarding the conference can be found at the above website.

- Current Research In Egyptology X
CRE X The update from the organizers of CRE was one of those emails which talks about the revamped website but doesn't send you the link! Never mind - it turned up on Google straight away. I don't usually cover conferences because EEF is the best...

- Current Research In Egyptology Thanks to Peter Robinson for bringing the latest updates to the Current Research in Archaeology website to my attention. is an annual symposium held in universities in the UK for students from around...

- Cre Vii The annually held Current Research in Archeaology conference is coming up, located this year in Oxford, UK on the 6th to the 8th April. Thanks to Maria for letting me know that the website will be updated at the...

- Cre Vii Announced Research in Egyptology (CRE) is an annual symposium held in universities in the UK for students from around the world, aiming to provide a forum for the discussion of Egyptological research...

- Fitzwilliam Egyptology Collection Closed Til 2006 According to the Fitzwilliam Museum's (Cambridge, UK) website, which I visited to plan a trip to the museum: "The Egyptian Galleries closed to the public on 4 October 2004. They will re-open early in 2006....

