
The annually held Current Research in Archeaology conference is coming up, located this year in Oxford, UK on the 6th to the 8th April. Thanks to Maria for letting me know that the website will be updated at the end of the week with the full programme and abstracts. I'll post when it is done. For those of you wondering when the Predynastic section is planned to be held, it will probably be on the Saturday, but watch the website for confirmation.

- Conference: Primo Convegno Napoletano Di Egittologia Thanks to Francesco Raffaele for letting me know that an international congress of Egyptology will be held next week in Naples, Italy. The Primo Convegno Napoletano di Egittologia will take place in Palazzo...

- Theoretical Archaeology Group 2007
TAG 2007 Session Abstracts TAG will be held this year in York (UK). Full details of the Session Abstracts are available on the TAG 2007 website (there are too many to list here). A list of former TAG meetings can be found on the Antiquity website, which...

- Current Research In Egyptology organising committee of Current Research in Egyptology (CRE) VIII have announced the second call for papers. CRE VIII will take place at the University of Wales Swansea between Thursday 19th to...

- Current Research In Egyptology Viii organising committee of Current Research in Egyptology (CRE) VIII have announced that CRE VIII will take place at the University of Wales in Swansea between Thursday 19th - Saturday 21st April...

- Cre Vii Announced Research in Egyptology (CRE) is an annual symposium held in universities in the UK for students from around the world, aiming to provide a forum for the discussion of Egyptological research...

