Abusir and Saqqara in the year 2005

Abusir and Saqqara in the year 2005

"In June 2005 the Czech Institute of Egyptology of the Charles University, Prague organizes the second international symposium on the region of Abusir, Saqqara and Dahshur. The widespread acclaim of both the initial symposium and the publication of Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2000 http://egypt--devologie.ff.cuni.cz/AbuSaqq2000.html brought to light the need to provide in regular intervals a forum for the international group of scholars active in the pyramid fields and cemeteries of Abusir, Saqqara and Dahshur".

This, the second symposium, takes place five years after the first one and again offers an opportunity for the exchange of information about research in this region of Egypt, and for communication about it to the public in general.

It is hoped that every five years this symposium about Abusir, Saqqara and Dahshur will become a recurring traditions.

The second symposium will take place at the Charles University in Prague from Monday June 27th until Friday July 1st 2005. There is an impressive list of presenters and papers - see the website for more.

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