New Book: Tomb of Hetepi, Abusir

New Book: Tomb of Hetepi, Abusir

Czech Institute of Egyptology

Miroslav Bárta, Filip Coppens, Hana Vymazalová et al.
Tomb of Hetepi (AS 20), Tombs AS 33-35 and AS 50-53
Charles University in Prague, Prague 2010

The tombs published in this volume of the Abusir series have been excavated during several seasons at Abusir South. The eight tombs are located in the easternmost sector of Abusir South, on the slopes (tombs AS 20 and AS 33) and at the bottom (tombs AS 34-35, 50-53) of a large but low hill, to the north of the so-called Wadi Abusiri. They do not form a single cemetery; rather, they represent different groups of sacral structures that illustrate very well the diachronic development of the Abusir South necropolis during the Old Kingdom and the Late Period-Ptolemaic era. Most if not all of the structures document in a new way important archaeological and historical themes, such as the origin and development of the false door tradition; early administration (tomb AS 20); unique building development of early Old Kingdom tombs (AS 20 and 33); the late Old Kingdom sociology of family cemeteries (tombs AS 34-35 and 50-53) and the appearance of new Late Period animal cemeteries (tombs AS 33, 34-35 and 50-53). Format: A4, 422 pages, many b-w photos and plans, hardcover.

Avaiable from a number of online retailers.

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