
Something rather different from the usual posts. This website is a new idea from Dr Richard Price. I've copied his entire email below. I hope that it succeeds:

I'm a Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, where I recently finished my Ph.D on the philosophy of perception.

I've just launched a website,, which does two things:

- It displays academics around the world in a 'tree diagram' format, according to which university/department they are affiliated with.
- It enables academics to keep track of the latest developments in their field - the latest people, papers, and talks.

My hope is that the site will list every academic in the world -- Faculty members, Post-Docs, and Graduate Students.

The site is getting some traction. Some of the professors on the site include:

- Richard Dawkins -
- Stephen Hawking -
- Paul Krugman -
- Noam Chomsky -

I'm trying to spread the word about If you have a minute, please visit the site, and add yourself to your department on the tree. If your department/university is not there, you can add it/them by clicking on the arrows coming out of the department/university boxes.

And do spread the word to your friends and colleagues if you can.

Many thanks,


Dr. Richard Price,
Prize Fellow,
All Souls College,
[email protected]

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