AERA 2011 Field Season Archive, Giza

AERA 2011 Field Season Archive, Giza


Here's an exerpt from the most recent post, by Mary Anne Murray (Giza Field Lab)

Well, that was a long and interesting Giza Lab season! The Giza Field Lab was open from January 8th and closed its doors on May 31st. There were scheduled to be 36 specialists working in the Lab on the material culture and environmental evidence excavated from our sites in 2011, however due to recent events in Egypt only 24 specialists participated this time around. The main objective of the 2011 season overall was to have each team member finish the analysis of their class of material culture from Area AA at Heit el-Ghurab (HeG) for publication, including ceramics, all manner of artifacts, clay sealings, human bone, animal bone, plants, lithics, and pigments. We also made inroads into two new areas of endeavor, however, by having specialists in environmental change and residue analysis visit to assess possibilities of future analysis.

- Aera 2009 Annual Report From Giza
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- Aera Blog - Season Ending
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- Giza Occasional Papers Volume 2
AERA Available for download in PDF format from the above page or open directly by clicking here. Here's an extract from the introduction: The 2005 season of the Giza Plateau Mapping Project at Giza, Egypt, took place over two periods: January 8th...

- Giza Plateau Dig Diary
AERA Blog The season at Giza is getting underway with staff arriving and opening up different areas of the operation: AERA’s Giza Lab officially opened for the season on Sunday, February 1st, 2009. This funny place doesn’t look like much from the...

- Aera Blog For Giza Plateau Mapping Project Thanks to Brian Hunt for the information that he is going to be maintaining a dig blog for AERA’s Giza Plateau Mapping Project this season. There's a link to the blog from the AERA (Ancient Egypt Research Association)...

