Giza Occasional Papers volume 2

Giza Occasional Papers volume 2


Available for download in PDF format from the above page or open directly by clicking here. Here's an extract from the introduction:

The 2005 season of the Giza Plateau Mapping Project at Giza, Egypt, took place over two periods: January 8th to May 31st and September 13th to December 13th. During the first period we carried out major clearing, mapping, and excavation. We worked on two Pyramid Age settlements, the extensive Worker’s Settlement in Gebel Qibli, designated as Area A (the main focus of our work since 1988) and the Khentkawes Town. Between January 21st and March 17 th we conducted the Giza Field School for Supreme Council of Antiquities inspectors. We reopened the season in September and devoted this period to analysis and study of collections in our storeroom and to work on two areas of the Workers’ Settlement: the conservation pilot work on the Eastern Town House (ETH) and limited excavations of House 3 in area Soccer Field West (SFW) (fig. 1).

Our work focused on four arenas: clearing and mapping, intensive excavation, mapping Late Period burials, and conservation. Since 1999 our excavation seasons in Area A have included large scale clearing of sandy overburden and mapping the ruins of an underlying ancient settlement over broad areas, as well as intensive, detailed excavations of selected, specific parts of the site.

- Online: Bir Umm Fawakhir
Oriental Institute (1993 season) Oriental Institute (1996-1997 season) Bir Umm Fawakhir Survey Project 1993: A Byzantine Gold-Mining Town in Egypt. C. Meyer, L.A. Heidorn, W.E. Kaegi, and T. Wilfong. The Oriental Institute continued its survey of the...

- Aera Blog For Giza Plateau Mapping Project Thanks to Brian Hunt for the information that he is going to be maintaining a dig blog for AERA’s Giza Plateau Mapping Project this season. There's a link to the blog from the AERA (Ancient Egypt Research Association)...

- Giza Plateau Mapping Project - Field Schools A good insight into the work of the Giza Plateu Mapping Project with special emphasis on its training of Egyptian field archaeologists: "Mark Lehner, director of the Giza Plateau Mapping Project (GPMP), realised...

- Amheida: Director's Report 2006 ( Roman period site of Amheida lies to the south of the modern Dakhleh Oasis town of El Qasr. Poart of the Dakhleh Oasis Project, the work at Amheida is carried out by Columbia University. After preliminary...

- Amheida 2005 Excavation Report Online This is a lovely and highly informative page with plans, photographs and detailed descriptions: “During the 2005 season, a much enlarged team continued conservation and excavation...

