Giza Plateau Mapping Project - Field Schools

Giza Plateau Mapping Project - Field Schools
A good insight into the work of the Giza Plateu Mapping Project with special emphasis on its training of Egyptian field archaeologists: "Mark Lehner, director of the Giza Plateau Mapping Project (GPMP), realised that the excavation of the vast ancient settlement site at Giza offered him 'an opportunity to give back to Egypt something in return for all the years I have enjoyed excavating here.' He envisioned running a rigorous training programme for Egyptian inspectors to guide them in the basics of standard archaeological practice around the world, and today, all over the country, selected SCA inspectors are being trained in the standard practices that are now used for stratigraphic excavation and recording in Britain, France, other European countries, and the United States.
Lehner's aim harmonised with the objective of SCA director Zahi Hawass to train Egyptian inspectors in advanced techniques of field archaeology in order, eventually, to make prior training at one of the professional field schools a condition for appointment to join foreign missions. This fits in neatly with the concern of the American Research Centre in Egypt (ARCE) that funds be provided to train Egyptian inspectors. Gerry Scott, ARCE's recently- appointed director, reacted positively with a USAID grant. . . . And so, at the foot of the pyramid plateau at Giza, the parts of the large and complex archaeological jig-saw puzzle that have yet to be joined are being put together. Lehner is directing a vast enterprise that includes some 175 Egyptian and foreign experts, four field school groups excavating in different areas, and a following of devoted students who are confident of becoming competent archaeologists."
See the above page for the rest of this story.

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