New website re Giza Plateau Mapping Project

New website re Giza Plateau Mapping Project
The above is a new website, which is the official Web site of the Ancient Egypt Research Associates (AERA), specifically Dr. Mark Lehner and the Giza Plateau Mapping Project. It is a good looking site, with some nice features, including a search engine, details on current projects (including an interactive map of the Lost City), an overview of the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS), a page showing highlights of some of the artefacts found, and a "Resources" page. The Resources page offers free document downloads (in PDF format) of, amongst other things, AERAgram, the official newsletter of Ancient Egypt Research Associates, and three excellent articles from Journals, written by Mark Lehner. Good photographs appear throughout. AERA was established in1985 "for the purpose of funding and facilitating the research of the Giza Plateau Mapping Project", and there are details on the site about how to donate to the Project. It is well worth spending some time to look around this very informative website.

- Aeragram Spring 2011 - Giza Newsletter
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- Aera Blog For Giza Plateau Mapping Project Thanks to Brian Hunt for the information that he is going to be maintaining a dig blog for AERA’s Giza Plateau Mapping Project this season. There's a link to the blog from the AERA (Ancient Egypt Research Association)...

- Giza Plateau Mapping Project - Field Schools A good insight into the work of the Giza Plateu Mapping Project with special emphasis on its training of Egyptian field archaeologists: "Mark Lehner, director of the Giza Plateau Mapping Project (GPMP), realised...

- Book: Giza Reports Volume 1 Details of this new publication (inluding Contents listing), available in late Spring 2007, can be found on the above page: "Ancient Egypt Research Associates and the Giza Plateau Mapping Project are pleased to announce...

- Aera Website Updated
Thanks to a posting on EEF for the information that the AERA website has been updated with some new articles: Conserving and reconstructing a pyramid builder's house: "In the autumn of 2005, AERA initiated...

