AERA Lab work

AERA Lab work

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A quick look into the work that is carried out in the AERA Lab on our site; the analysis of bone fragments, ceramics, stone, mud sealings and more.

- Aera 2011 Field Season Archive, Giza
AERA Here's an exerpt from the most recent post, by Mary Anne Murray (Giza Field Lab) Well, that was a long and interesting Giza Lab season! The Giza Field Lab was open from January 8th and closed its doors on May 31st. There were scheduled to be...

- Aera 2009 Annual Report From Giza
AERA Ancient Egypt Research Associates I could have sworn that I had posted this before, but I cannot find it on the blog, so above is the link and apologies if this is a repeat posting. The following is part of the introduction by Mark Lehner. It is...

- Giza Plateau Dig Diary
AERA Blog The season at Giza is getting underway with staff arriving and opening up different areas of the operation: AERA’s Giza Lab officially opened for the season on Sunday, February 1st, 2009. This funny place doesn’t look like much from the...

- Aeragram 9, Fall 2008
AERAgram 9 PDF Format. 20 pages. The most recent Ancient Egypt Research Associates (AERA) newsletter is now online at the above address. There has been a placeholder for it for months but there has never been a functional link. It is working now, although...

- Aera Website Updated
Thanks to a posting on EEF for the information that the AERA website has been updated with some new articles: Conserving and reconstructing a pyramid builder's house: "In the autumn of 2005, AERA initiated...

