Aeragram 9

Aeragram 9

The most recent newsletter from the fine folks at Ancient Egypt Research Society.

- Ees Participation In The Aera Field School At Memphis
Egypt Exploration Society Dr David Jeffreys, the Director of the Society’s Survey of Memphis, and Judith Bunbury are teaching this autumn on behalf of the EES at the renowned field school run by Ancient Egypt Research Associates, directed by Mark Lehner....

- Aeragram 9, Fall 2008
AERAgram 9 PDF Format. 20 pages. The most recent Ancient Egypt Research Associates (AERA) newsletter is now online at the above address. There has been a placeholder for it for months but there has never been a functional link. It is working now, although...

- Eais Newsletter most recent newsletter of the Egyptian Antiquities Information Service is now available at the above address, in PDF format. The EAIS was set up to "improve the ability of the SCA to map, document and protect...

- Eais Newsletter The Egyptian Antiquities Information Service newsletter that was issued in December is now on their website at the above address. Contents include a summary of achievements to date, plans for phase 3 of...

- New Website Re Giza Plateau Mapping Project The above is a new website, which is the official Web site of the Ancient Egypt Research Associates (AERA), specifically Dr. Mark Lehner and the Giza Plateau Mapping Project. It is a good looking site, with some nice features,...

