Again with King Tut

Again with King Tut

Well with his move in his tomb to his eventual removal to the Cairo museum probably a stop over at the mummification museum in Luxor. Here is still another story.

- An Impasse In Italian Talks Over Return Of Artifacts This is nothing to do with Egyptology, but as it deals with the repatriation of artefacts taken illegally out of one country and sold to another, I have included...

- 3d Printing was going to save this article for a slow news day as it has nothing to do with archaeology, per se, but it turns out to be a slow news day today. It is about a new initiative...

- Egyptian Puzzle Of A Silent Embrace article about Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep, two men sharing a single tomb: "Though not of the nobility, they were highly esteemed in the palace as the chief manicurists of the king, sometime...

- Last Of The Ptolemies A bronze bust of Ptolemy of Mauretania, grandson of Anthony and Cleopatra and last of the Ptolemies is going on sale at auction. Ptolemy was the son of Cleopatra and Anthony's daughter...

- Ordinary Egypt
A good story on the discovery of monuments related to Egypt's 13Th and 17Th dynasties.

