An Impasse in Italian Talks Over Return of Artifacts

An Impasse in Italian Talks Over Return of Artifacts
This is nothing to do with Egyptology, but as it deals with the repatriation of artefacts taken illegally out of one country and sold to another, I have included it: "After months of intense discussions, negotiations between a New York antiquities collector and the Italian government have bogged down over a demand that she never be pursued by Italy again, several people close to the talks say.
Italy is seeking the return of nine artifacts from the collector, Shelby White, contending that they were looted from its soil.
Lawyers for both sides had been optimistic earlier this year that a deal could be struck. But an impasse developed over Ms. White’s insistence that in exchange for the objects, the Italian Culture Ministry grant her immunity from legal action of any kind and promise not to go after anything else she owns or acquires in the future, people familiar with the talks said.
Italian officials do not suggest that Ms. White or her husband, the financier Leon Levy, who died in 2003, knowingly bought artifacts whose provenance was suspect. But they say that forgoing potential investigations of any suspected wrongdoing in the future would essentially allow tomb robbers and dishonest dealers to traffic with impunity."
See the above page for the full story.

On the same theme, Minerva magazine is covering the Getty repatriation saga in its current issue. The contents for the lastst issue of Minerva is at the following page:

- Repatriation Of Italian Artefacts ( I am continuing to post occasional items about repatriation of artefacts, irrespective of which nations are involved, due to the general relevance of repatriation actions to global heritage concerns. The latest news...

- Boston Museum May Return Artifacts To Italy ( "Italian authorities say Boston's Museum of Fine Arts, one of several major U.S. museums accused of harboring looted artifacts from Italy, has agreed on the outline of a deal to return multiple items.In...

- Slow Negotiations Between Italy And The Getty ( For those of you following the important negotiations taking place, world wide, over the repatriation of items which were removed under dubious circumstances from their country of origin, there's a review...

- Met Will Return Disputed Art To Italy update on Bloomberg site regarding claims for the return of illegally sold artefacts, highlighted by the Italian legal position taken against the John Paul Getty Museum: "By holding...

- More Troubles At The J. Paul Getty Museum (LA Times website) Marion True, curator of the Getty, has retired following allegations about financial arrangements (the top URL), and Italian court case continues to...

