Repatriation of Italian artefacts

Repatriation of Italian artefacts (
I am continuing to post occasional items about repatriation of artefacts, irrespective of which nations are involved, due to the general relevance of repatriation actions to global heritage concerns. The latest news is that Boston has returned a number of disputed artefacts to Italy:
"Boston's Museum of Fine Arts has returned 13 disputed ancient artifacts to Italy, including a statue and a bas relief believed to have decorated Hadrian's Villa near Rome, as part of a deal with the Italian government. The pieces, including 11 vases in the ancient Greek style from central and southern Italy, were displayed for journalists Thursday at the Italian Culture Ministry before a signing ceremony in Rome."
See the above page for the full story

- Culture Minister Opens The Renovated Egyptian Museum In Turin
Egypt State Information Service Minister of Culture Farouq Hosni returned home Thursday 31/7/2008 from Turin city, wrapping up a several days' visit to Italy during which he opened the renovated Egyptian Museum in Turin (Museo Egizio Di Torino)....

- An Impasse In Italian Talks Over Return Of Artifacts This is nothing to do with Egyptology, but as it deals with the repatriation of artefacts taken illegally out of one country and sold to another, I have included...

- Boston Museum May Return Artifacts To Italy ( "Italian authorities say Boston's Museum of Fine Arts, one of several major U.S. museums accused of harboring looted artifacts from Italy, has agreed on the outline of a deal to return multiple items.In...

- Update Re The Getty Negotiations
Thanks to Archaeology Magazine's News section for the following links. those of you following the Getty situation, this page provides an update on the ongoing negotiations between the...

- Repatriation Of Stolen Artefacts article about how the Greek and Italian authorities are teaming up to tackle the repatriation of illegally traded artefacts: "Greece has joined forces with Italy in a joint attempt to locate and...

