Repatriation of stolen artefacts

Repatriation of stolen artefacts
An article about how the Greek and Italian authorities are teaming up to tackle the repatriation of illegally traded artefacts: "Greece has joined forces with Italy in a joint attempt to locate and repatriate priceless stolen antiquities, an effort that could have serious ramifications for Europe's leading museums." Of course, the ramifications won't be confined to Europe's museums, and the status of claims of national governements seeking to repatriate artefacts may also be impacted by the Italian and Greek actions and their outcomes.

- Whose Heritage?
Egypt Today (Michael Kaput) Forget bailouts. Part of the possible solution to Greece’s economic woes is 2,500 years old and sits in the British Museum. It makes sense to Daniel Korski, who wrote a March 4 article, “Why we should give the Elgin Marbles...

- An Impasse In Italian Talks Over Return Of Artifacts This is nothing to do with Egyptology, but as it deals with the repatriation of artefacts taken illegally out of one country and sold to another, I have included...

- Progress Update Re The Getty ( For those keeping tabs on the various claims by governments seeking the repatriation of artefacts, here is the latest news from the Getty Museum: "The J. Paul Getty Museum has signed over to Greece ownership of...

- Museums And Controversial Antiquities (Business Week)A useful overview of the current state of play following the recent spate of claims by countries who believe that they have the right to demand the repatriation of antiquities currently held by foreign museums....

- Met Will Return Disputed Art To Italy update on Bloomberg site regarding claims for the return of illegally sold artefacts, highlighted by the Italian legal position taken against the John Paul Getty Museum: "By holding...

