Amarna Princess Recovered

Amarna Princess Recovered

The Egyptian police have recovered the Amarna princess statuette stolen during the sacking of the Malawi museum this past summer. The statuette is one of the most important pieces stolen from that museum and one of about 800 artifacts recovered out of 1050 objects stolen.

- Bronze Statues Give Few Clues About Origins
Discovery News (Rossella Lorenzi) Some bronze statues recovered this week in Egypt during a police action, have turned to be a little mystery -- well in keeping with the Egyptian deity, the god of silence and secrecy, they represent. Dating to the Late...

- More Images Of The Devestated Malawi Museum
This is another article on the destruction and looting of the Malawi museum with information that we are up to 221 pieces recovered from the lost 1049 artifacts stolen. For all the damages and loss it can not be forgotten that the museums ticket taker...

- The Saga Of The Louvre Amarna Princess
Though I am not a believer in the authenticity of the art pieces in the M.A. Mansoor Amarna collection I do feel that Mr. M.A. Mansoor was a well respected antiques dealer. The link is from the Mansoor Collection about the Amarna princess which the family...

- Has The Statuette Of Akhenaten Been Found?
There are reports out today that the limestone statuette of the heretic king Akhenaten 1332-1336 bc, has been found next to a garbage can in Tahrir square unfortunately there are no photos of of it as of yet. The statuette is the most important of the...

- The Suicide Of Cleopatre
Here we have "The Suicide of Cleopatre" by Albrecht Durer recently recovered by Italian police in the home of a Roman designer and art collector. The painting was stolen from a collection in May of 1972 and recovered along with fifteen other stolen works....

