More Images of the Devestated Malawi Museum

More Images of the Devestated Malawi Museum

This is another article on the destruction and looting of the Malawi museum with information that we are up to 221 pieces recovered from the lost 1049 artifacts stolen. For all the damages and loss it can not be forgotten that the museums ticket taker Sameh Ahmed Abdel Hafiz was killed during the attack.

- The Year 2013 In Egyptology
              Dedicated to Sameh Ahmed Abdel Hafiz who this year               lost his life in the storming of the Malawi Museum...

- Amarna Princess Recovered
The Egyptian police have recovered the Amarna princess statuette stolen during the sacking of the Malawi museum this past summer. The statuette is one of the most important pieces stolen from that museum and one of about 800 artifacts recovered out of...

- 216 Of 1049 Artifacts Returned
This article from Al Ahram states that 5 more objects have been returned to the the officials of the Malawi museum including this bronze of the God Toth. The even better news is that about 1/5th of the museums lost artifacts have been returned....

- The Missing Princess Of The Malawi Museum
National Geographic has a whole series of excellent images of the Malawi museum before and after the tragic looting of the middle of August. The statuette above is of a daughter of Akhenaten and is among the most important of the missing artifacts....

- Malawi Museum Damaged And Looted
Things are looking worse for Egypt with riots and violence taking hold including the burning of Coptic churches and the damaging and looting of the Malawi museum supposedly of most of its artifacts. Yesterday it was announced that all museums and archaeological...

