Amenhoteps Head

Amenhoteps Head

Here is an excellent picture of the stolen graywhack head taken by a British smuggler twenty years ago.

- 2008 In Brief
Among the finds of this past year was an old kingdom pyramid belonging to queen Sesheshet of dynasty six this find was moderately interesting as were the two empty tombs found near the causeway of king Unas.

- Stolen Head Returned
This stone head of Amenhotep III was stolen 20 years ago in a very famous case and now has been returned to the Egyptian embassy. The article has a picture of the head.

- Amenhotep's Eye 2
Here we have a picture of the eye which the Swiss will be giving back to Egypt.

- Ushabti Go Home
That ushabti stolen from a magazine at Saqqara in 1987 has been returned back to Egypt.

- The Island Of Philae
A short on the history of the former island and the temples new home with nice picture.

