Stolen Head Returned

Stolen Head Returned

This stone head of Amenhotep III was stolen 20 years ago in a very famous case and now has been returned to the Egyptian embassy. The article has a picture of the head.

- Addressing The Call For Objects To Be Repatriated
The Daily Mail, Islamabad You will need to scroll down to the second story on the page. HEADS are in the news this week. China has demanded the return of two 18th century bronze animal heads that belonged to the late French fashion designer Yves Saint...

- Pharaoh's Head Returned To Egypt
Archaeology Magazine The full background story about the investigation and the trial is available on the above page. Londonist Egyptian authorities have taken possession of a 3,500-year old sculpture of a Pharaoh's head, nearly 20 years after it...

- The Mummy Of Amenhotep
Here we have the newly restored mummy of a child named Amenhotep who's mummy was damaged during the robbery of the Cairo Museum in January of 2011. The looters who entered the museum via a skylight broke the head off Amenhotep and today is being re-exhibited...

- Dr. Hawass Says What?
This article from Dr. Zahi Hawass is a bit of an oddball that leaves one with a view of a man who believes using reverse psychology on the English public will get the Rosetta stone returned to Egypt. I was not aware of that according to Dr. Hawass most...

- Amenhoteps Head
Here is an excellent picture of the stolen graywhack head taken by a British smuggler twenty years ago.

