Ancient Artifact at SIU Museum to Return to Egypt

Ancient Artifact at SIU Museum to Return to Egypt


Video report re the return to Egypt of the lovely cat coffin, which has some nice shots of the artefact under discussion. This requires the most recent version QuickTime (an older version on my machine played the talk-over but didn't show the video footage).

- Opening The Coffin Of Kv64
SF Video Portal Video of the newly discovered tomb in the Valley of the Kings showing the opening of the 22nd Dynasty coffin. It is in German but there are some good shots even if you don't understand a word. Thanks to Margaret Maitland's tweet...

- Video: Western Gilf Kebir
You Tube Regular visitors to the blog will know of my ongoing love affair with the Gilf Kebir area, so finding a video of the place was a briefly happy moment - but I nearly had heart failure at the shots of somewhat tracing over an image from the Mestekawi-Foggini...

- Digital Egypt Website to Andrei Bodrov for letting me know about his new site, Digital Egypt, which includes fullscreen QTVR panoramas of Giza, together with still photos from different Luxor and Giza and a rather nice plan of the Giza pyramids....

- Egyptian Art At The British Museum
Here we have a 40 minute video that Mr. Michael Harding has taken of the Egyptian collection in the British museum. Mr. Harding is a stickler for details and this video displays this talent with some remarkable up close shots of inscriptions and...

- Replica's Of Tutankhamun

