Digital Egypt website

Digital Egypt website
Thanks to Andrei Bodrov for letting me know about his new site, Digital Egypt, which includes fullscreen QTVR panoramas of Giza, together with still photos from different Luxor and Giza and a rather nice plan of the Giza pyramids. It is a lovely looking page, but the main attraction is the Panorama section, showing Flash movies of the Giza plateau - when a little red viewfinder appears you can mouse over it to see a brief textual description of what it is you are looking at.
In order to see the panoramas, you will need to download Macromedia Flashplayer, if you don't already have it installed (and if you have, you will need version 6 as a minimum), and for full screen views you will need QuickTime FULLSCREEN panoramas. You'll find what you need on the QuickTime website at - and you will then be able to see the full panoramas.

- Explore Ancient Egypt Online
NOVA  (Liesl Clark and Peter Tyson) Want to walk around the Sphinx? Clamber inside the Great Pyramid of Giza and seek out the pharaoh's burial chamber? Visit the magnificent tombs and temples of ancient Thebes? In this multi-layered,...

- Daily Photo By Bob Partridge (ancient Egypt Magazine)
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- Cemetery G2100 Virtual Exhibit The exhibit recreates 10 mastaba-tombs from Cemetery G 2100 of Giza Necropolis in both Second Life and Google Earth virtual worlds. The majority of the archaeological diagrams and photographs used to create the models were made by the Harvard...

- Ancient Artifact At Siu Museum To Return To Egypt
WSIL TV Video report re the return to Egypt of the lovely cat coffin, which has some nice shots of the artefact under discussion. This requires the most recent version QuickTime (an older version on my machine played the talk-over but didn't show...

- Interactive Photo-montage Of Giza Plateau This site, a brilliant resource, was updated on June 1st with the following zoomable and informative photo-montage of the Giza Plateau pyramids and cemeteries. Sorry that it took me 17...

