Ancient Egypt Magazine

Ancient Egypt Magazine
Thanks to Ancient Egypt Magazine editor Bob Partridge for the information that the December 2006/January 2007 issue of “Ancient Egypt” magazine (published in the U.K.) is now available. This issue is also available as an electronic version which can be found at the web site. This may be useful for anyone with a broadband connection who may have difficulty in getting hold of a paper copy of the magazine, or who might want to see a copy before subscribing.

Contents of this issue include;
News from Egypt:
The magazine’s Egypt Correspondent, Ayman Wahby Taher, brings the latest news from Egypt which includes the moving of the colossal statue of Rameses II from the centre of Cairo to the site of the new museum at Giza, and the restoration of the house that Howard Carter used when he first worked in Luxor.
Technology Innovators of Ancient Egypt:
In the first of three articles, Denys Stocks investigates exactly how the ancient Egyptians cut and carved stone. Adopting a very hands-on approach, he made exact replicas of ancient tools and worked out how to use them. The results are impressive and important, for they show that using relatively simple technology, the ancient Egyptians could cut the hardest of stones. This first article looks at the earliest periods of Egyptian history, from around 4,500 BC to 3,050 BC.
The Imhotep Museum at Saqqara:
A Photo Feature on some of the magnificent objects now on display in Egypt’s newest museum.
Dying to Be Egyptian. Elisabeth Kerner looks at some of the lesser-known, but important cemeteries in London which have tombs and monuments, which are inspired by ancient Egypt
The Tomb of Harwa:
Christopher Naunton looks at the little known tomb of Harwa in the Theban necropolis. Currently being excavated by the Italian Archaeological Mission in Luxor, this remarkable and important tomb of the Twenty-fifth Dynasty is at last revealing its secrets.
Friends of Nekhen News: The fifth of the reports on the important and revealing work being done at Hierakonpolis. This article looks at the Nubians in Hierakonpolis and the evidence found of their lives there.
Mary Chubb:
Writer and Archaeologist. Mary Chubb, who worked for the Egypt Exploration Society, worked for a while in the city of Akhenaten at Tell el Amarna. Elisabeth Griesman tells the story of how she managed to get there and how she was involved closely in the excavations at the site.
The Friends of Nekhen:
In the last of a series of six articles, Renee Friedman explains the great importance of the site of Hierakonpolis and how the finds made there over many seasons of work, and their post-excavation study and analysis, have added greatly to our knowledge of ancient Egyptian history.
Per Mesut:
For younger readers: This issue Hilary Wilson looks at baskets.

Book Reviews:
Mountains of Pharaoh, by Zahi Hawass.
The British Museum: Masterpieces of Ancient Egypt, by Nigel Strudwick.
Chronicle of the Pharaohs, by Peter Clayton.
Chronicle of the Queens of Egypt, by Joyce Tyldesley.
Egyptian Mummies: Radiological Atlas of the Collection in the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, by Maaten Raven and Wybren K. Taconis.
Magic in ancient Egypt, by Geraldine Pinch.
An ancient Egyptian Herbal, by Lise Manniche.
Tutankhamun’s Tomb: The Thrill of Discovery, by Susan Allen
Death and salvation on Ancient Egypt, by Jan Assmann.
The Treasures of Tutankhamun, by Jaromir Malek.
Rescuing the Past: The cultural heritage Crusade, by Jonathan Tokley.

Plus other Regular Features, that include:
Egyptology Society details for the UK and many overseas and full listing of forthcoming lectures and event in the UK from October to December.

- Ancient Egypt Magazine 2010/2011 The December 2010/January 2011 issue of “Ancient Egypt” magazine (published in the U.K.) is now available. If you are not yet a subscriber, you can do so online and the magazine is also available as an electronic version....

- Ancient Egypt Magazine April/may 2008
Ancient Egypt Magazine Thanks to Bob Partridge for details of the latest issue of Ancient Egypt Magazine: The April/May 2008 issue of “Ancient Egypt” magazine (published in the U.K.) will be available next week (this advance notice is because I will...

- Ancient Egypt Magazine December 2007/january 2008
Ancient Egypt Magazine Thanks to Ancient Egypt editor Bob Partridge for the following details about the current issue of the magazine, which is now available. This issue is also available as an electronic version which can be found at the web site

- Ancient Egypt Magazine October/november 2007
Many thanks to Bob Partridge, both for his help with my Magical Mystery Photo, and for sending me the latest contents of Ancient Egypt magazine: The October/November issue of Ancient Egypt magazine (published in the U.K.) is now available. (Subscribers...

- Ancient Egypt Thanks to Bob Partridge for the following update. The August/September issue of “Ancient Egypt” magazine (published in the U.K.) is now available. This issue is also available as an electronic version which can...

