Ancient Egypt Magazine 2010/2011

Ancient Egypt Magazine 2010/2011

The December 2010/January 2011 issue of “Ancient Egypt” magazine (published in the U.K.) is now available.

If you are not yet a subscriber, you can do so online and the magazine is also available as an electronic version. Visit

The online version may be especially useful for anyone overseas with a broadband connection who may have difficulty in getting hold of a paper copy of the magazine, or who might want to see a copy before subscribing.

Contents of this issue include;

New Books featured in the December issue
  • The Akhenaten Colossi of Karnak, by Lise Manniche.
  • The Nile Cruise, by Jenny Jobbins.
  • The Pharaoh’s Kitchen, by Magda Mehdawy and Amr Hussein.
  • Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt, by Joyce Tyldesley.
  • Insight Guide: The Nile.
  • City of the Ram-Man: The Story of Ancient Mendes, by Donald B. Redford.
  • For the Living and the Dead: The Funerary Laments of Upper Egypt, Ancient and Modern, by Elizabeth Wickett.
  • The Shabti Collections 1, by Glenn Janes.
  • Tutankhamun, His Tomb and His Treasures, various contributors: the guide to the exhibition in Manchester.
  • Tutankhamun’s Funeral, by Herbert E. Winlock, introduced by Dorothea Arnold.
  • Egyptian Museum and Papyrus Collection in Berlin: 100 Masterpieces, by Dietrich Wildung, Fabian Reiter and Olivia Zorn.
  • The Fortifications of Ancient Egypt, 3000-1780BC, by Carola Vogel.

Coming articles include:-

Auguste Mariette: Chris Humber tells the story of the Founder of the Egyptian Antiquities Service and of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
The Paleopathology of Egyptian Mummies: Dr. Michael R. Zimmernan asks “Why do we study mummies?”
Misdemeanours at Deir el Medina, Benedict Davies looks at the life and times of the occupants of the Workmen’s village.
Why Belzoni went to Egypt: Bill Key reveals the real reason Belzoni first went to Egypt.
Tutankhamun’s Khepesh Swords: by military expert Mike Loades.
Re-excavating Egyptian Predynastic sites in London : G.J Tassie and Joris van Wetering explain how some Predynastic objects came to be in London and their recent return to Egypt.
And… Egyptomania in China and also in St. Helier, Jersey.
(All previous book reviews can all be seen on the magazine’s web site,

Plus full Egyptology Society listings and UK lectures from December 2010 to February 2011 and listings of exhibitions and the many Egyptological events which will be taking place in the Winter months in the UK. Overseas Egyptology Societies are also listed.

Bob Partridge
Editor Ancient Egypt

- Ancient Egypt Magazine
The August/September 2010 issue of “Ancient Egypt” magazine (published in the U.K.) is now available. If you are not yet a subscriber, you can do so online and the magazine is also available as an electronic version. Visit

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