Ancient Egypt Magazine

Ancient Egypt Magazine

The August/September 2010 issue of “Ancient Egypt” magazine (published in the U.K.) is now available.

If you are not yet a subscriber, you can do so online and the magazine is also available as an electronic version. Visit

The online version may be especially useful for anyone overseas with a broadband connection who may have difficulty in getting hold of a paper copy of the magazine, or who might want to see a copy before subscribing.

Contents of this issue include;

  • News from Egypt and the World of Egyptology: Our regular special report ‘From our Egypt Correspondent’ brings the latest news and information – you won’t find this anywhere else! This issue includes reports on new discoveries at Saqqara, Taposiris Magna, the Fayum, Karnak, Luxor and Bahariya and on a new exhibition at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
  • “Amarna in Aswan”: Andrew Fulton reports on an important and overlooked monument at Aswan, that dates to the reign of Akhenaten.
  • The Anubi Project: Sabina Malgora and Imerio Palumbo join a bike rally on a journey through part of Egypt’s Western desert.
  • How Now Sick Cow: Conni Lord looks at the evidence for vetinary care in ancient Egypt.
  • Egypt, Durham and Japan: Helen Armstrong and Rachel Grocke reveal the work in arranging for the exhibition in Japan of many ancient Egyptian items from the collection of the Oriental Museum in Durham.
  • The Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan at the British Museum: In the third of a series of articles on the work of the Department, Julie Anderson looks at the collections from Sudan and Nubia in the museum.
  • King Narmer’s Catfish: Rosalind Park reveals the shocking story of the role of catfish in ancient Egypt.
  • Revealing the evidence for Expeditions to Punt: Cheryl Ward describes a significant discovery on the Red Sea coast of Egypt which reveals much about seafaring expeditions to the land of Punt.
  • PerMesut: in our regular feature for younger readers, Hilary Wilson provides something to do in the school holidays in “Be a Scribe”.
  • H.W. Seton Karr and his ubiquitous flint collections: Mark Trumpour looks at an unusual collection, and why it is now in Canada.
  • Net Fishing: our regular look at Egyptology on the Web, tracing the history of ancient Egypt. This issue Victor Blunden looks at the reigns of the Libyan kings in the Twenty-second Dynasty.
  • Remembering Ian Mathieson: Colin Reader and Bob Partridge.

Coming articles include:-

  • A new display of objects from Eton College, now in Birmingham.
  • Travellers in Egypt’s Western Desert
  • The Book of the Dead
  • Building a modern replica ship to sail in the wake of Hatshepsut.
  • The False Door of Useramun at Karnak: A translation of the texts.
  • Why Belzoni went to Egypt.
  • Tutankhamun’s Khepesh Swords

New Books featured in the August issue

  • Amarna Sunset, by Aidan Dodson.
  • Ancient Egypt, An Introduction, by Salima Ikram.
  • The Hidden Life of Ancient Egypt, by Clare Gibson.
  • Luxor Illustrated, by Michael Haag.
  • Cresswell Photographs re-examined , edited by Bernard O’Kane.
  • A Companion to Ancient Egypt, edited by Alan Lloyd.
  • A photographer on the Hajj, by farid Kioumgi and Robert Graham.
  • Sam Steele’s Adventures: The Treasure of Karnak, by L.Frank Baum.
  • Travelling Through the Deserts of Egypt, edited by Sahar Abdel-Hakhim and Deborah Manley.

(Previous book reviews can all be seen on the magazine’s web site,

plus full Egyptology Society listings and UK lectures from August to October 2010 and listings of exhibitions and the many Egyptological events which will be taking place in the Autumn months in the UK. Overseas Egyptology Societies are also listed.

Bob Partridge

Editor Ancient Egypt

Bob Partridge
Editor "Ancient Egypt" magazine

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