Ancient Egypt Magazine June/July 2009

Ancient Egypt Magazine June/July 2009

Ancient Egypt Magazine

The June/July 2009 issue of “Ancient Egypt” magazine (published in the U.K.) is now available.

This issue is also available as an electronic version which can be found at the web site This may be useful for anyone with a broadband connection who may have difficulty in getting hold of a paper copy of the magazine, or who might want to see a copy before subscribing.

Subscribing to the magazine is now cheaper than buying copies in newsagents and you can make sure you don’t miss an issue!

Most of this issue seems to be “News from Egypt” with a number of articles bringing the very latest news.

Contents of this issue include;

News from Egypt and the World of Egyptology: In the largest ever ‘News from the Editor’ and our regular ‘From our Egypt Correspondent’ all the latest news and information including reports on new work in the Valley of the Kings, at the Mortuary temple of Amenhotep III and at Karnak, as well as new discoveries at Dahshur, Saqqara and Giza.

The Mosque of Abu Hagag: AE has been reporting on the on-going restoration of this mosque, at the heart of the temple of Luxor. The work is almost complete and this article looks at the work on the fabric of the building and the challenges the restorers faced, following the damage in a major fire a few years ago.

Dental Health and Dentistry in ancient Egypt: Today, good dental health and visits to the dentist are normal, but things were not always so. Roger Forshaw looks at how the rich and poor of ancient Egypt looked after (or in most cases, did not look after) their teeth.

KV63 Update: the 2009 Season: AE is delighted to bring you its fifth report on the discovery of, and the contents, of tomb KV63 discovered in the Valley of the Kings in 2005. This makes the articles in AE the most comprehensive on this important discovery so far published. Roxanne Wilson looks at the coffins, their contents and their restoration as well as some of the intriguing and unique objects discovered in the many storage jars found in the tomb.

The Headrests from the Tomb of Tutankhamun: Jan Summers Duffy looks at the history of headrests and in particular at the many and splendid examples found in the Tomb of Tutankhamun.

The Egypt Exploration Society: In the third of a series of articles on the history and work of the Egypt Exploration Society, Dr. Penny Wilson looks at the history and findings of the Delta Survey.

King Tutankhamun’s Trumpets: Maggie Lyons describes the trumpets of Tutankhamun and how their notes have crossed the millennia and can still be heard today.

PerMesut: in our regular feature for younger readers, Hilary Wilson looks at ancient Egyptian floors.

Net Fishing: our regular look at Egyptology on the Web, tracing the history of ancient Egypt. This issue Victor Blunden looks at the Ramesside kings.

Coming articles include:-
Articles on the geology of Egypt and on travelling the Eastern Deserts of Egypt and articles on the origins and development of mummification

New Books featured in the June issue
Egypt (1001 photos).
Pharaonic Inscriptions from the Southern Eastern Desert of Egypt, by Russell Rothe, William Miller and George Rapp.
Art Across the Ages: Ancient Egypt, by Kelly Campbell Hinshaw..
The Secrets of the Great Pyramid, by Jean-Pierre Houdin and Bob Brier.
Insight Guides: Egypt.
The Ancient Egyptians: Their Lives and their World, by Angela McDonald.
Discovery at Rosetta, by Jonathan Downs.
Holding Egypt: tracing the reception of the “Description de l’Egypte” in nineteenth century Great Britain, by Andrew Bednarski.
The Chapel of Ptahhotep: Scene details, by Yvonne Harpur and Paolo Scremin.
Golden Shrine, Goddess Queen: Egypt’s Anointing Mysteries, by Alison Roberts.
Books of Breathing (Vol IV of the catalogue of the Books of the Dead and other religious texts in the British Museum), by Francois-Rene Herbin.
In the House of Muhammad Ali: A family Album, by Hassan Hassan.

Plus full Egyptology Society listings and UK lectures from June to August 2009 and listings of exhibitions and Egyptological events.

Previous book reviews can all be seen on the magazine’s web site:

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