Ancient Egypt magazine, June/July 2010

Ancient Egypt magazine, June/July 2010

Ancient Egypt Magazine

The June/July 2010 issue of “Ancient Egypt” magazine (published in the U.K.) is now available.

If you are not yet a subscriber, you can do so online and the magazine is also available as an electronic version. Visit

New Subscribers will get one issue of the magazine free if they subscribe now!

  • The online version may be useful for anyone with a broadband connection who may have difficulty in getting hold of a paper copy of the magazine, or who might want to see a copy before subscribing.
  • Contents of the June issue include;
  • News from Egypt and the World of Egyptology: Our regular special report ‘From our Egypt Correspondent’ brings the latest news and information – you won’t find this anywhere else! This issue includes reports on new discoveries at Saqqara, Luxor and Aswan and on three new exhibitions at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
  • The Tomb of Kartakhamun at Western Thebes: Birgit Schoer reports on the last season of work and finds in this important Theban tomb, previously thought to have been lost, but now revealed again following the removal of the modern houses in the area.
  • A Mummy Mystery: Sabina Malgora and Anna Pieri examine a mummy in an Italian collection and discover all is not what it would seem to be, or indeed should be.
  • A Fleet of Four-thousand-year-old Model Boats: Craig S. Milner looks at a rare survival of a large number of model boats found in a Middle Kingdom Tomb at Deir el Bersha and which are currently featuring in a special exhibition in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, USA.
  • Campaniform to Composite: Deputy Editor Peter Phillips discusses the evolution of the composite column in Egyptian Architecture.
  • The Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan at the British Museum: In the second of a series of articles on the work of the Department, Dr. Neal Spencer looks at the role of the British Museum in helping with the training of Egyptian and Sudanese museum curators and archaeologists.
  • Speak my name and I will live: Tony Holmes looks at Temples, Tombs and tourists, ancient and modern.
  • Minoans and Mycenaeans in ancient Egypt: Marta Farrugia and Anton Mifsud examine the evidence for close links between ancient Egypt and some of their neighbours.
  • PerMesut: in our regular feature for younger readers, Hilary Wilson looks at Snakes.
  • Net Fishing: our regular look at Egyptology on the Web, tracing the history of ancient Egypt. This issue Victor Blunden looks at the reign of Sheshonq I.

Coming articles include:-

  • The Oriental Museum in Durham and its new display following a loan exhibition to Japan.
  • Travellers in Egypt’s Western Desert
  • Ancient Egyptian boats and ships: new discoveries on the Red Sea coast and
  • Building a modern replica ship to sail in the wake of Hatshepsut.
  • Vetinary practice in ancient Egypt.
  • King Narmer’s Electric Catfish: a biological battery.

New Books featured in the April issue

  • Mummies in nineteenth Century America, by S.J. Wolfe with Robert Singerman.
  • Egyptian Fakes, by jean-Jacques Fiechter.
  • Egyptian Archaeology, Edited by Willeke Wendrich.
  • The Last Pharaohs: Egypt under the Ptolemies, by J.G Manning.
  • The Emperor’s needles: Egyptian Obelisks and Rome , by Susan Sorek.
  • Stones and Quarries in ancient Egypt, by Rosmarie and Deitrich Klemm.
  • Giza Mastabas Vol. 8: Mastabas of Nucleus Cemetery G 2100, by Peter Der Manuelian.
  • The Secrets of Tomb 10A: Egypt 2000 BC, by Rita Freed, Lawrence M. Berman, Denise Doxey and Nicholas S. Picardo.
  • Taxi, by Khaled Al Khamissi.

(Previous book reviews can all be seen on the magazine’s web site,

plus full Egyptology Society listings and UK lectures from June to August 2010 and listings of exhibitions and the many Egyptological events which will be taking place over the summer months in the UK. Overseas Egyptology Societies are also listed.

Bob Partridge
Editor Ancient Egypt

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