Latest issue of Ancient Egypt magazine now available

Latest issue of Ancient Egypt magazine now available

The February/March 2009 issue of “Ancient Egypt” magazine (published in the U.K.) is now available.

This issue is also available as an electronic version which can be found at the web site. This may be useful for anyone with a broadband connection who may have difficulty in getting hold of a paper copy of the magazine, or who might want to see a copy before subscribing.

Contents of this issue include;

News from Egypt and the World of Egyptology: ‘From the Editor’ and our regular ‘From our Egypt Correspondent’ brings you all the latest news and information on the world of Egyptology. Our Egypt Correspondent, Ayman Wahby Taher’s report includes news of a Queen’s pyramid discovered at Saqqara, a visit to the Agricultural museum in Cairo, and to the sites of Gebelein, Armant and Esna plus reports on excavations in the Valley of the Kings and at Karnak temple.

Three restored statues in the Luxor Museum: AE looks at the remarkable restoration and conservation work needed to be able to put three impressive statues of warrior pharaohs, Thutmose III, Sety I and Ramesses II, of the New Kingdom on display in the Luxor Museum.

Egypt’s Sunken Treasures: A brief report on the exhibition currently showing in Turin, Italy.

Woven History: the Coptic Museum’s Tapestries and Stonework: Jill Kamil visits the recently refurbished and enlarged Coptic Museum in Cairo and examines some of the artistic and cultural treasures to be found there.

Hadrian, Pharaoh of Egypt and the birth of Egypt’s Last God, Antinous: The exhibition in the British Museum last year did much to revive interest in the Emperor Hadrian and his important role in the history of the Roman Empire. Egypt played a major role in the life of Hadrian as Dylan Bickerstaffe explains.

Bonaparte et l’Egypte: A brief report on the exhibition currently showing at the institute du Monde Arabe in Paris.

The Egypt Exploration Society: In the first in a series of articles on the work of the Egypt Exploration Society, Dr. Patricia Spencer looks at some of the highlights from over one hundred and twenty-five years of work in Egypt.

PerMesut: in our regular feature for younger readers, Hilary Wilson looks at getting a good night’s sleep and beds in ancient Egypt.

Net Fishing: our regular look at Egyptology on the Web. This issue Victor Blunden, in a series on the history of Egypt, looks at the reign of Merenptah and the end of the Nineteenth Dynasty.

New Books featured

  • Cleopatra and Egypt, by Sally-Ann Ashton.
  • The Royal Mummies: Immortality in Ancient Egypt, by Francis Janot, introduction by Zahi Hawass.
  • The British Museum Dictionary of Ancient Egypt, Edited by Ian Shaw and Paul Nicholson.
  • The Thrones, Chairs, Stools and Footstools from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, by M. Eaton-Krauss.
  • Ancient Egyptian Gardens, by John Bellinger.
  • Draw Like an Egyptian, by Claire Thorne.
  • Egyptian Scarabs, by Richard H. Wilkinson.
  • Napoleon in Egypt, by Paul Strathern.
  • Cleopatra the Great, by Joann Fletcher.

Plus full Egyptology Society listings and UK lectures from February to April 2009 and listings of exhibitions and Egyptological events.

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