Ancient Egypt Magazine April/May

Ancient Egypt Magazine April/May

Ancient Egypt Magazine

The April/May 2009 issue of “Ancient Egypt” magazine (published in the U.K.) is out on the 6th April. This issue is also available as an electronic version which can be found at the web site. This may be useful for anyone with a broadband connection who may have difficulty in getting hold of a paper copy of the magazine, or who might want to see a copy before subscribing.

Contents of this issue include;

News from Egypt and the World of Egyptology: In an enlarged ‘News from the Editor’ and our regular ‘From our Egypt Correspondent’ all the latest news and information including reports on new excavations at Karnak and in Saqqara, and important conservation work at Dendera and Medamud.

Conservation and Restoration in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo: Nacho Ares (Editor of Spanish magazine “Revista De Arqueologia”) goes behind the scenes in one of the most important departments of the museum and finds some familiar objects undergoing conservation work there.

New Perspectives in UK Museums: As a number of museums have recently opened refurbished Egyptology galleries and with other museums about to do so in the not too distant future, Simon Stephens discusses some of the problems in displaying ancient Egypt and how it is not all about mummies, myths and magic.

Luxor, The View from Above: A new look at some of the great monuments and the landscape of ancient Thebes.

Solar Alignments in the Temples of Egypt: David Furlong has often wondered about the factors which dictated the alignment of ancient Egyptian temples. He discovers that many of the temples in the Luxor area appear to be orientated towards the midwinter sunrise.

The Lost Necropolis of South Asasif at Luxor: The removal of some of the houses built over the tombs on the West bank at Luxor has meant that archaeologists are now able to study parts of the area for the first time. Dr. Elena Pischikova tells of the recent work of the South Asasif conservation Project.

The Egypt Exploration Society: In the second of a series of articles on the history and work of the Egypt Exploration Society, Christopher Naunton, the deputy Director of the Society, looks at the role of the Society today.

The Market on the Riverbank: Charlotte Booth, Rosalind and Jac Janssen explain how the ancient Egyptians :bought’ and ‘sold’ goods and conduct a novel experiment in re-creating an ancient Egyptian market place.

PerMesut: in our regular feature for younger readers, Hilary Wilson looks at Horus, son of Isis.

Net Fishing: our regular look at Egyptology on the Web, tracing the history of ancient Egypt. This issue Victor Blunden reaches the Third intermediate Period.

AND... a chance to win tickets to visit Legoland in Windsor (in the UK) where a new Egyptian section has recently been opened!

New Books featured:
Egyptian Wall Painting, by Francesco Tiradritti.
Women on the Nile, by Joan Rees.
Bulletins of the Egyptian Museum.
Pocket Book of Ancient Egypt, by Farid Atiya.
Traveller’s Guide to the Ancient World; Egypt in the year 1200 BC, by Charlotte Booth.
Taposiris magna: A temple, Fortress and Monastery of Egypt, by Gyozo Voros.
Sex and Gender in Ancient Egypt, edited by Carolyn Graves-Brown.
Luxor Museum: The Glory of Ancient Thebes, by Abeer el-Shahawy.
Leaving Thebes, by Tim Cooper.
Treasures of Ancient Egypt, edited by Catherine Chambers.

(Previous book reviews can all be seen on the magazine’s web site,

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