Another article about faked cat mummies

Another article about faked cat mummies
I posted about this some weeks ago - ancient Egyptians faking cat mummies. I wouldn't have posted about it again, because as far as I can see there is nothing new in this article, but for the fact that there is an x-ray photo accompanying this piece.

- More On Cleopatra Dressed As A Man (with Photos)"A relief image carved approximately 2,050 years ago on an ancient Egyptian stone slab shows Cleopatra dressed as a man, according to a recent analysis of the artifact. The object is only one...

- Ancient Egyptians Hoarded Crude Oil A Discovery Channel news item about use of tar in mummies and the trade in oil in the Middle East 3000 years ago. A more popular-style article and slightly longer item than the 6th Feb article...

- More On Medieval Arab Scholars Re Cleopatra I posted about this on November 9th, when Radio Netherlands published an article on the subject at Okasha el Daly's work identified...

- Possible Depiction Of Anthony And Cleopatra On Roman Vase (article) (image of the vase) "The epic romance between Egyptian queen Cleopatra and the Roman general Marc Antony was immortalized...

- Air Pollution In Mummies
Here we have an article on mummies and air pollutions effects on their lives interesting indeed however I particularly liked the accompanying photo gallery. It is a rare view of the mummy of Hatiay...

