Another casualty at the Getty

Another casualty at the Getty
"A trustee of the J. Paul Getty Trust whose donated collection to the museum included a stolen ancient Roman sculpture has resigned, officials said.The board of trustees accepted the resignation Wednesday of wealthy art collector Barbara G. Fleischman, who had been a board member since 2000 . . . . The board thanked Fleischman for her support and for substantial contributions she and her late husband, Lawrence, had made to the museum.The Getty has drawn sharp criticism from the art world in recent years as Italy and Greece claimed that looted artifacts had appeared in the Getty collection. The Getty's former antiquities curator, Marion True, is now on trial in Rome on charges alleging she conspired with dealers to traffic in looted antiquities. She has denied wrongdoing. The acquisition of the Fleischmans' collection in 1996 also stirred questions about the lack of documented ownership history for several of the pieces."
Although the items currently under discussion are mainly Roman, the museum world is watching with interest. Egypt has claims against the Getty itself, and the outcomes of the Getty case may see many claims against museums for items which have been obtained under disputed circumstances.

- Update Re The Getty Negotiations
Thanks to Archaeology Magazine's News section for the following links. those of you following the Getty situation, this page provides an update on the ongoing negotiations between the...

- Slow Negotiations Between Italy And The Getty ( For those of you following the important negotiations taking place, world wide, over the repatriation of items which were removed under dubious circumstances from their country of origin, there's a review...

- Museums On Trial An Archaeology Magazine special interview with Ellen Herscher about the trial of key J. Paul Getty representatives, and its implications for other purchasing policies of US museums in the future:...

- Met Will Return Disputed Art To Italy update on Bloomberg site regarding claims for the return of illegally sold artefacts, highlighted by the Italian legal position taken against the John Paul Getty Museum: "By holding...

- More On The Getty Museum Ownership Disputes A news item on the LA Times website about the ongoing investigations into the acquisition of Italian artworks by the Getty Museum. "Attorneys for the J. Paul Getty Museum have determined that half the masterpieces in its antiquities...

