Antibiotics in Nubian Beer

Antibiotics in Nubian Beer
An intriguing article on the National Geographic website about a study of human bones suggests that ancient Nubians benefited from antibiotic properties in the clays from which beer storage jars were made. "The brew was made from grain contaminated with the bacteria streptomycedes, which produces tetracycline. The ancient Nubians . . . stored their grain in mud bins. A soil bacteria, streptomycedes is ubiquitous in arid climates like Sudan's". Although there are no medical books from Nubia, there are from neighbouring Egypt, and the uses of beer for medicinal purposes are well documented. See the article for a description of the beer and the theories regarding the antibiotic properties.

- Medicinal Beer In Nubia
Santa Cruz Sentinel I need a beer. It's a phrase uttered by many contemporary workers after a long day at the office, but new research shows that ancient cultures were probably using the alcoholic beverage to treat much more than the stress of everyday...

- Resources: Various
Thanks to Tony Cagle's ArchaeoBlog for these. Archaeology of Ancient Beer Delwen Samuel Palaeoepidemiology, literacy, and medical tradition among necropolis workmen in New Kingdom Egypt. R L Miller

- Brew Like The Ancient Egyptians Thanks to Tony Cagle's ArchaeoBlog for pointing me to this story: If you're trying to be thrifty in the midst of this recession, try brewing your own beer in the style of the ancient Egyptians. Their yeast cells have been preserved...

- Hierakonpolis 2007 Hierakonpolis pages on the Archaeology Magazine...

- Antibiotics In Crocodile Blood to Kate from the Akhet website ( for pointing out the above article to me. "Scientists in Australia's tropical north are collecting blood...

