Brew like the ancient Egyptians

Brew like the ancient Egyptians

Thanks to Tony Cagle's ArchaeoBlog for pointing me to this story:

If you're trying to be thrifty in the midst of this recession, try brewing your own beer in the style of the ancient Egyptians. Their yeast cells have been preserved for thousands of years.

While looking for recession-proof recipes to save money at the supermarket, I found a great resource for brewing your own recession-proof beer at home to save some money, it's the article in Natural History magazine, the May 1996 issue, page 24, that describes how archaeologists brewed beer in the style of the ancient Egyptians, and in the 1990s even had it on sale at Harrod's in London.

When archaeologists dug up King Tut's and other ancients' tombs in the 1920s and more recently, in the 1990s, they found starch granules in the ancient bread crumbs and beer dregs that revealed all the processes to which the bread was exposed during baking and brewing into beer.

All you have to do is back-engineer and reconstruct everything from scratch. So how do you brew your own beer the ancient Egyptian and Levantine way?

Instead of using your modern, cultured yeast, brew like an Egyptian and keep some yeasty residue from one brew to the next. The yeast sticks to the fabric of the brewing pots. Fermentation happens naturally from micro-flora.

All the former research showed barley and emmer wheat were grown in ancient Egypt. It was emmer wheat that the ancient Egyptians used to make beer at Tell el Amarna. Archaeologists saved the preserved emmer wheat on the temple kitchen floors. Here' are the steps you can imitate the process at home to make ancient-style beer.

Quite a detailed article follows, and has lots of good information in it about ancient Egyptian beer brewing.

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- Resources: Various
Thanks to Tony Cagle's ArchaeoBlog for these. Archaeology of Ancient Beer Delwen Samuel Palaeoepidemiology, literacy, and medical tradition among necropolis workmen in New Kingdom Egypt. R L Miller

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