Antiguo Oriente No.5 (2007)

Antiguo Oriente No.5 (2007)


The current issue of Antiguo Oriente is now available. The website on the above URL seems to be down at the time of posting, but I have checked it and it does appear to be the correct one.

Main Articles

-Thomas E. Levy, Mohammad Najjar, and Thomas Higham, Iron Age Complex Societies, Radiocarbon Dates and Edom: Working with the Data and Debates

-Rochelle I. Altman, Some Notes on Inscriptional Genres and the Siloam Tunnel Inscription

-Morris Silver, Redistribution and Markets in the Economy of Ancient Mesopotamia: Updating Polanyi

-Emanuel Pfoh, De la evocación del pasado: la narrativa bíblica y la historiografía clásica en comparación

-Alain Gaulon, Réalité et importance de la chasse dans les communautés halafiennes en Mésopotamie du Nord et au Levant Nord au VIe millénaire avant J.-C.

-Gabriel M. Nápole, “Lo que nuestros padres nos contaron” (Sal 78,3): el Antiguo Testamento y la Historia de Israel

-Shawn McAvoy, Mummy 61074: a Strange Case of Mistaken Identity

-Gidi Yahalom, The Pig’s Testimony

-Amir Gorzalczany, Centro y Periferia en el Antiguo Israel: Nuevas aproximaciones a las prácticas funerarias del Calcolítico en la Planicie Costera

-Immanuel Wallerstein, El Moderno Sistema-Mundo y la Evolución

Excavations Reports

-André J. Veldmeijer and Chiara Zazzaro, the Rope Cave at Mersa Gawasis: a Preliminary Report

Book Reviews

- Cehao Monograph Volumes 1 And 2
CEHAO Monographs page Thanks to the posting from Juan Manuel Tebes to the EEF mailing list for the information that the El Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente (CEHAO) website has been updated with Volume 2 of its electronic Monograph Series...

- Online Paper: Centro Y Periferia En El Mundo Antiguo
The Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente (CEHAO), Argentine Catholic University, has published a paper from Volume 1 of its electronic Monograph Series on its website, with later additions to follow as these become available: Centro y periferia...

- Antiguo Oriente No.4 2006 Contents listing for the most recent edition of Antiguo Oriente is as follows:EVELINE VAN DER STEEN AND PIOTR BIENKOWSKI, How Old is the Kingdom ofEdom? A Review of New Evidence and Recent Discussion DAN’EL KAHNA...

- First Issue Of Damqatum (CEHAO home page) (Damqatum home page)Thanks to Aayko Eyma's post to EEF for the information that the first issue (Spring 2006), of 'Damqatum' the newsletter of the Centro de Estudiosde...

- Antiguo Oriente 3 Antiguo Oriente 3 (2005) has now been published. As well as other features, there is a paper on cordage from Graeco-Roman Berenike (Egypt, Red Sea) by Andre Veldmeijer, including previously unpublished materials; and another on...

