CEHAO Monograph volumes 1 and 2

CEHAO Monograph volumes 1 and 2

CEHAO Monographs page

Thanks to the posting from Juan Manuel Tebes to the EEF mailing list for the information that the El Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente (CEHAO) website has been updated with Volume 2 of its electronic Monograph Series (in Spanish). Both monographs from Volumes 1 and 2 are available for download free of charge from the above page:

Volumen 1:
JUAN MANUEL TEBES, Centro y periferia en el mundo antiguo. El Negev y sus interacciones con Egipto, Asiria, y el Levante en la Edad del Hierro (1200-586 a.C.), Series Monográficas del CEHAO, Vol. 1, Buenos Aires, 2007. 111 pp., ISBN 978-950-44-0046-2

Volumen 2:
GRACIELA GESTOSO SINGER, El Intercambio de Bienes entre Egipto y Asia Anterior. Desde el reinado de Tuthmosis III hasta el de Akhenaton. Series Monográficas del CEHAO, Vol. 2, Buenos Aires, 2007. 244 pp., ISBN 978-987-20606-3-3

For those of you who didn't see an earlier post, the newsletter of the CEHAO, Damqatum, can also be found on the site, with some items that may be of interest.
Damqatum in English
Damqatum in Spanish

- Online: Apuntes De Egiptología
Apuntes de Egiptología Thanks to Chuck Jones and his AWOL blog for this link. Apuntes de Egiptología es una publicación periódica del Centro de Estudios del Antiguo Egipto (C.E.A.E. ) de Buenos Aires, República Argentina, Sudamérica. The site suffers...

- Damqatum 4, Fall 2008
CEHAO (in PDF format) The CEHAO (Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente) is a a center focused on the history of the Ancient Near East (including Egypt). In this edition the top article is "Karnak, Mendes and Thirty Years in Egyptology: An...

- Damqatum 3
Damqatum 3 Although the main item in this issue of Damqatum is an interview with Christophe Rico about Classical linguistics, there is also an interview with Roxana Flammini, CEHAO´s founder and director on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the...

- Damqatum (newsletter Of The Cehao) - Fall 2007
Damqatum, Fall 2007 (English) Damqatum, Otoño 2007 (Spanish) Damqatum, the newsletter of the Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente (CEHAO) is available online at the above address. The lead article is: Of Kinship and Gods in Ancient Egypt:...

- First Issue Of Damqatum
http://www.uca.edu.ar/cehao.htm (CEHAO home page)http://tinyurl.com/euxs7 (Damqatum home page)Thanks to Aayko Eyma's post to EEF for the information that the first issue (Spring 2006), of 'Damqatum' the newsletter of the Centro de Estudiosde...

