Damqatum (Newsletter of the CEHAO) - Fall 2007

Damqatum (Newsletter of the CEHAO) - Fall 2007

Damqatum, Fall 2007 (English)
Damqatum, Otoño 2007 (Spanish)

Damqatum, the newsletter of the Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente (CEHAO) is available online at the above address. The lead article is: Of Kinship and Gods in Ancient Egypt: An Interview with Marcelo Campagno by Virginia Laporta. It is an extensive piece, spanning three and a half pages.

Argentinean Egyptologist Marcelo Campagno, Professor of the University of Buenos Aires and Researcher of the CONICET (Argentine National Research Council), has been one of those researchers that have focused attention on the origin of the Egyptian State and the role of the ideology of kinship in the development of the state institutions. This is an interview with Campagno, after is research residence in the prestigious Warburg Institute (London, United Kingdom), in which he tell us about his career in the Egyptology and current investigations.
See the above page for the interview, and other articles about Near Eastern archaeology.

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http://www.uca.edu.ar/cehao.htm (CEHAO home page)http://tinyurl.com/euxs7 (Damqatum home page)Thanks to Aayko Eyma's post to EEF for the information that the first issue (Spring 2006), of 'Damqatum' the newsletter of the Centro de Estudiosde...

