Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental (RIHAO) Vol 14, 2007

Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental (RIHAO) Vol 14, 2007

The Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental "Dr. Abraham Rosenvasser", University of Buenos Aires, is pleased to announce the publication of Vol. 14 (2007) of the Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental (RIHAO)


-ITAMAR SINGER, The Failed Reforms of Akhenaton and Muwatalli (Spanish)
-ROXANA CLAUDIA FLAMMINI, Egypt and Kerma in the Early Second Millennium BC: A Reading Through the Categories of Core and Periphery (Spanish)
-IANIR MILEVSKI, The Historical and Archaeological Levantine Background of Sinuhe Examined Anew (English)
-EMANUEL PFOH, Hatti and the Northern Levant: Socio-Political Relationships According to the Textual Evidence (Spanish)
-JUAN MANUEL TEBES, "You who Live in the Clefts of the Rock, who hold the Height of the Hill": Tribalism in Iron Age Edom (Spanish)
-THOMAS L. THOMPSON, Archaeology and the Bible Revisited: A Review Article (Spanish)

Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental (RIHAO) is the scholarly journal of the Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental "Dr. Abraham Rosenvasser" (Institute of Ancient Near Eastern Studies), Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Buenos Aires. It considers for publication manuscripts related to the history of the societies of the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean from the Paleolithic through the Roman-Hellenistic period. Other manuscripts with theoretical or interdisciplinary approaches are also considered. RIHAO is published once a year and includes articles and book reviews in Spanish, English or French. Deadline for submissions: May 31st.

Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental (RIHAO)
Director: Alicia Daneri
Editors: Alicia Daneri, Marcelo Campagno

Editorial Board:
Donald B. Redford (Pennsylvania State University)
John Baines (Oxford University)
Alejandro Botta (Southern Methodist University)
Josep Cervelló Autuori (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)
Antonio Loprieno (Universität Basel)

Postal address: Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental “Dr. Abraham Rosenvasser”, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires. 25 de Mayo 217, 3º piso. C1002ABD. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Argentina.

Exchanges (institutions only), subscriptions and back issues request forms:
Email: [email protected]

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