Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental 12/13

Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental 12/13
The Contents, with abstracts in Spanish and English, for the most recent issue of RIHAO are now available at the above page. As an example, one of the many papers is by John Baines: "Definiciones tempranas del mundo egipcio y sus alrededores. Abstract: This article considers the fundamental changes in the Egyptian presentation of order and of dominance of the surrounding world that took place during the formative period of the Egyptian state (Nagada III / Dynasty 0). The principal material analysed is drawn from the decorated knives, palettes, and maceheads of the period. These artifact types provide crucial evidence for reconstructing the message which the elite proclaimed to itself about Egypt and its relations with the outside world. "

- New Book: Egypt And The Near East - The Crossroads
Oxbow Books Egypt and the Near East - the Crossroads: Proceedings of an International Conference on the Relations of Egypt and the Near East in the Bronze Age, Prague, September 1-3, 2010, edited by Jana Mynárová The present volume presents the proceedings...

- Conference: Origin Of The State
There's no website available yet but further details for registering etc are promised for late summer. Dear Colleague, Please find below the announcement calling for papers to be delivered at the upcoming Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt: Origin...

- New(ish) Book: An Introduction To The Archaeology Of Ancient Egypt
Blackwell Publishing An Introduction to the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt by Kathryn Bard An Introduction to the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt is a comprehensive overview of Egyptian archaeology skillfully organized to guide the reader from Egypt's...

- Sahara Journal 2007 The Contents for Volume 18 (May 2007) of the journal Sahara are now on the above page, with abstracts. The papers focus on the archaeology and rock art of northern Africa, and are written in...

- Archaeology Magazine - September/october 2006 the above address for a full list of contents of the latest issue of Archaeology magazine. Below are two items that might be of particular interest. The magazine is leading with a feature entitled Archaeology:...

